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Craft the perfect FB group introduction for high engagement and views

Facebook groups are a great way to create relationships with people online (useful during this pandemic!) AND they’re a great marketing tool for your business.

A good introduction post in a group can also lead to sales, new friendships, useful contacts, Facebook page likes (link that page), Instagram followers, or whatever you want people to follow. 

A good introduction should get people to know more about you and THEN your business. 

In our group, your introduction is your one shameless self-promotion post allowed in the group, so we encourage people to use it well.

If you’re a woman entrepreneur local to the College Station/Bryan area, join our free Facebook group to get support and help on your entrepreneurial journey! 

From the hundreds of introductions we’ve seen so far, here are a few core elements we noticed they shared. 

What makes a good FB group intro post?

Tip 1: Introduce Yourself, Then Your Business

Make your introduction more about you than your business (trust the numbers) and then let us in on your business. Sometimes the business idea steals the stage, but much more often, people buy from people they like, so introduce yourself as you are. I’m sure you’ll find someone like you!

Give us all the background info you’re willing to share:

  1. Your background story, hobbies, family, etc…

  2. Your obstacles & how you overcame them

  3. Your why – What motivates you – Why you are in business

Then, your business

  1. What it does 

  2. Who you serve

  3. What you sell

  4. Other interesting tidbits – won awards? Owned a few other businesses in the past?

*If you don’t have a business yet, we encourage you to share your dreams or passion in life.

Tip 2: Add a picture or video, always

Link to your social media accounts & website, but use a picture/video on your post to boost engagement and chances of it being seen.

Based on what we’ve seen, a picture of you/your family, AND your products/logo is always a winning combo. 

Not super FB savvy? That’s ok. Add the pictures first, then add links to the post to make sure your post contains pictures.

To be on the super-safe side, you can simply include all the links in the comments, but if the post performs well, they might get lost.

Tip 3: Share what you’re looking for or struggling with

Tell us what you hope to gain from this group or what kind of collaborations you are looking for. If you need help in a specific area, speak up! You don’t know what kind of solutions you have been missing until you’ve asked the masses. 

Most people want to buy from/do business with people they know and like, so sell yourself well in your intro post!

Bonus tips to optimize your post

Link to your FB page

Link to your Facebook page vs. your website. You want people to easily be able to follow you. Going to your website might mean a sale or two, but most people will take some time to warm up. Invite them to like your social media page. It’s better long term, and MUCH easier for people to follow/save.

Include a way for people to join your mailing list

Include a link to your mailing list (preferably using a lead magnet -> more on that here) and explain what your newsletter provides and who it’s for. This should obviously align with your ideal custom described above. op

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