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How WE BCS Is Going To Change The Landscape For Women Entrepreneurs

I had a business degree and many entrepreneurship classes under my belt, as well as five years in the workforce before I bought my first business. There is something business school ultimately can’t prepare you for, and that’s buying a business with a seven-month old baby and hoping to keep a full-time job.

Was it crazy? Yes. Did it have to be that hard, probably not. What happened shortly after was that I quit said full-time job, had to work in the daycare more than I had planned, still had an infant and a home to take care of, and no amount of education could have prepared me for the mental roadblocks that became so much more defined when I was on my own.

What started as a Facebook group of my 35 or so entrepreneurial friends, has blossomed into a large community of smart, supportive and resourceful women. At the beginning of the year, when we started meeting face-to-face, meeting new friends face-to-face made all the difference in my day, my view on entrepreneurship, and my appreciation for the group. 

I thought, if I benefited so much from meeting these other women, and getting life breathed in to me by people who understand the anxiety and struggles I face daily, why can’t I try to bring that to other people? Thus, the idea for WE BCS started to take shape.

Why create an organization for women entrepreneurs? Mostly, women and mothers encounter different challenges to being business owners than do men and husbands. While things are getting better with each generation, women still tend to have to take care of the household and children, on top of running their businesses. We aren’t taken as seriously, mostly because we don’t take ourselves seriously. This starts a dangerous cycle of feeling inadequate, not being able to do all of the things, working harder to make up for it, then feeling guilty for not having spent more time with your loved ones. Can anyone relate?

So, where does WE BCS come in all of this? On top of the free Facebook group, where women in the community can join to learn more about starting their business, ask advice, or run an idea by the group, we will also be creating a new paid membership opportunity. 

While the Facebook group will be accessible to the public, members of the WE BCS organization will receive heavily discounted or free tickets to business classes locally, be able to join a Mastermind, and have the chance to be featured in our podcast, social media channels, blog, newsletter and more.

We also have two BIG projects in the works, all with the aim to give you more exposure in the community! We can’t wait to reveal those at our Launch Party on August 1st, 2019. You can get some sneak peeks by following our social media accounts here and here.

While existing to be your biggest cheerleader as we’ve done for the past year, WE BCS wants to be more than that. We want to guide you with relevant resources, classes, opportunities, marketing options and more. We want to be able to give you exposure, just for being a member with an incredible business. While we will have to run ads to stay afloat, we aim to shine the spotlight on incredible women across our community, simply for being members. We really hope that’s going to be you!

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